Kamitei provides individual scholarships to children who can not afford to pay for their own education. The scholarships typically cover a number of years to ensure that the education leads to a point where the individual has good job prospects, such as the completion of a secondary vocational degree.
The Scholarships Program aims to grant between 5-10 scholarships each year to selected students. We have two different types of scholarships:
- Community-sponsored scholarships for vocational training (duration 1 or 2 years, with the goal of learning a trade and providing the prospect of a decent job with stable income);
- Eagle Scholarship program (duration up to 8 years, with the goal of completing a university degree for exceptional students with leadership potential).
Kamitei has decided to grant individual scholarships to individuals as well as assist communities as a whole because it believes that a community will eventually benefit from having well educated and employed individuals in their midst. They can for example act as a role model for others in the community and become (in)formal community leaders.
Facts & Figures
Number of community scholarships granted to date: 30 (a number still pending).
Number of Eagle scholarships granted to date: 35 (5 more planned for 2016).
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