DYNAMIC Program Team
Kamitei has a program team of two field education coordinators and an Executive Director based in Arusha, complemented by volunteer field education officers in Makame WMA in Northern Tanzania and Mbomipa and Waga WMAs in Southern Tanzania. Our program team receives logistical field support from Honeyguide Foundation, Asilia, and Nawiri Group and is provided with regular coaching and support from international education experts.
The Kamitei Foundation is a registered non-profit organisation in Arusha, Tanzania, and with the Amsterdam Chamber of Commerce in the Netherlands under the name “Stichting Kamitei.” Stichting Kamitei is an officially recognised Dutch charity organisation (“ANBI”), enjoying all tax benefits for charitable organisations and their donors under Dutch and Belgian law.
The Kamitei Foundation operates as a lean, professional organisation governed by the independent Boards. Each Board consists of three to six members, with some serving on multiple Boards for efficiency and oversight. The Board members do not receive any compensation.